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Browse newspapers

Displaying newspapers 26 - 50 of 5183 in total
Title City County State Country Language  Call Number
Mercurius Elencticus London London London England AN66.B67 r.1193  
Mercurius Elencticus London London London England AN66.B67 r.1205  
Mercurius elencticus London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1193  
Mercurius fumigosus, or, The smoking nocturnall London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1190  
Mercurius Infernus, Or, News From The Other World London London London England AN66.B67 r.1205  
Mercurius Latinus London London London England AN66.B67 r.1175  
Mercurius librarius, or, A catalogue of books London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1205  
Mercurius melancholicus, or, Newes from Westminster and other parts London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1191  
Mercurius Philo-Monarchicus London London London England AN66.B67 r.1205  
Mercurius politicus London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1121-1127, 1205  
Mercurius Politicus, Or, An Antidote To Popular Misrepresentations London London London England AN66.B67 r.1065  
Mercurius Pragmaticus London London London England AN66.B67 r.1176  
Mercurius pragmaticus London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1176  
Mercurius pragmaticus (for King Charles II) London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1176  
Mercurius publicus London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1155-1156  
Mercurius reformatus, or, The new observator London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1191  
Mercurius rusticus, or, The countries complaint of the murthers, robberies, plunderings, and other outrages committed by the rebells on His Majesties faithfull subjects Oxford Oxfordshire South East England England AN66.B67 r. 1205  
Mercurius theologicus, or, The monthly instructor London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1395  
Mercurius veridicus, or, True informations, of speciall and remarkable passages, from both Houses of Parliament, and severall counties of the kingdome London London London England AN66.B67 r. 1205  
Mirror Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Scotland AN66.B67 r. 166  
Missionary magazine Edinburgh Edinburgh Edinburgh Scotland AN66.B67 r. 1208-1210  
Observer London London London England AN66.B67 r. 705-706  
Oracle, and the daily advertiser London London London England AN66.B67 r. 868-871, 934  
Oxford gazette Oxford Oxfordshire South East England England AN66.B67 r. 1135  
Packets Of Letters From Scotland ... To Members Of The House Of Commons London London London England AN66.B67 r.1191