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Displaying newspapers 226 - 250 of 5183 in total
Title City County  State Country Language Call Number
Harmonicon: A Journal of Music. London England ML 5 .H2  
Heads Of Some Notes Of The Citie Scout. ("From the armie, communicating to the city and kingdome.") London England AN66.B67 r.1203  
Heraclitus Ridens, Or, A Discourse Between Jest and Earnest. ("Printed for the use of the people.") London England AN66.B67 r.1173  
Heraclitus Ridens. ("At a dialogue between Jest and Earnest, concerning the times.") London England AN66.B67 r. 1173  
Hermit, or, A view of the world, by a person retir'd from it London England AN66.B67 r. 1065  
Historic Preservation News. Washington District of Columbia United States E 151 .P74  
Historical account of the publick transactions in Christendom London England AN66.B67 r. 1200  
Historical magazine, or, Classical library of public events London England AN66.B67 r. 1393  
Honolulu Advertiser Honolulu Hawaii United States eng. AC 1 .M62 r. 12  
Hour London England AN66.B67 r. 1347-1357  
Howl London England eng AN58.U55 r.360 no.2
r.389 no.3
Hyde's Weekly Art News. New York New York United States N 1 .A787  
I. F. Stone's Weekly. Washington District of Columbia United States JK 1 .I 35  
Illustrated Times. ("Weekly newspaper, containing numerous first-class engravings of the chief events and all the news of the week.") London England AN66.B67 r. 1541-1557  
Impartial London Intelligence, Or, Occurences Forraign And Domestick London England AN66.B67 r.1203  
Impartial Protestant Mercury London England AN66.B67 r. 1173  
Impartial Protestant Mercury, Or, Occurrences Foreign And Domestick London England AN66.B67 r.1173  
Impartial Scout London England AN66.B67 r.1203  
In Britain. (British Travel Association) London England DA 650 .C75  
Independent Chronicle, Or, The Freeholders Evening-Post London England AN66.B67 r.1066  
Indian Mail. ("A monthly register for British and foreign India, China and Australasia.") London England AN66.B67 r. 1626  
Industrial Solidarity. (Industrial Workers of the World.) Chicago Illinois United States HD 8055 .I 4 A37  
Informer & Texas Freeman. Houston Texas United States AN46 .H6 I55  
Intelligence Domestick and Foreign London England AN66.B67 r.1203  
Intelligence Domestick And Foreign, With The Flying Post-Boy From The Camp In Flanders. ("Being an historical account of the publick transactions in Europe." London England AN66.B67 r.1203