Title | City | County | State | Country | Language | Call Number | ||
Flagpole | Athens | Clarke | Georgia | United States | eng | ML3533.8.F55 | ||
Grady Gazette. (Henry W. Grady School of Journalism, UGA.) | Athens | Clarke | Georgia | United States | PN 4700 .G7 | |||
Noble Endeavor | Athens | Clarke | Georgia | United States | eng | AN13.A8 N63 | ||
Southern Literary Gazette | Athens | Clarke | Georgia | United States | eng | AN13.A8 S78 | ||
Woman's Work. | Athens | Clarke | Georgia | United States | AP2 .W66 | |||
Richards' Weekly Gazette | Athens, Charleston | Clarke | Georgia, South Carolina | United States | eng | AN13.A8 S78 | ||
Art Papers. | Atlanta | Fulton | Georgia | United States | NX 504 .A85 | |||
Atlanta Art Papers. | Atlanta | Fulton | Georgia | United States | NX 504 .A85 | |||
Atlanta Art Workers Coalition Newspaper. | Atlanta | Fulton | Georgia | United States | NX 504 .A85 | |||
Kennesaw Route Gazette. | Atlanta | Cobb | Georgia | United States | AN 13 .A82 K46 | |||
Sounds from the Department of Music, Georgia State University. | Atlanta | Fulton | Georgia | United States |
ML 1 .S6 GA Room Folio/MT 3.G25 G4 |
The Atlanta Phoenix. | Atlanta | Fulton | Georgia | United States | eng. | F294 .A8 A886 | ||
Augusta Mirror. A Semi-Monthly Journal devoted to polite Literature, useful Intelligence, and the Arts. | Augusta | Richmond | Georgia | United States | AP 2 .A84 | |||
Shards. (The Poetry Quarterly) | Augusta | Richmond | Georgia | United States | PS 301 .S531 | |||
Southern Field And Fireside | Augusta | Richmond | Georgia | United States | eng |
AN13.A88 S623 AC 1 .M62 r. 12. |
Callaloo. ("A Black South Journal of Arts and Letters.") | Baton Rouge | Louisiana | United States | eng |
AN58.U55 r.432 no.2 r.455 no.2 |
OLE! | Bensenville | Illinois | United States | PS 324 .O 55 | ||||
Goodfellow Review of Crafts | Berkeley | Alameda | California | United States | eng | AN58.U55 r.205 no.2 | ||
Spectator Magazine. | Berkeley | Alameda | California | United States | eng | AN58.U55 r.277 no.6 | ||
Yellow Dog (Comics). | Berkeley | Alameda | California | United States | eng |
AN58.U55 r.14 no.22 r.26 no.5 |
Berlinische Musikalische Zeitung: herausgegeben [issued] von Johann Friedrich Reichardt. | Berlin | Germany | german | ML 5 .B45 | ||||
Deutsche Kultur-Wacht. | Berlin | Germany | ger. | DD 67 .D465 | ||||
Musik Im Kriege. (Music in War) | Berlin | Germany | german | ML 5 .M90215 | ||||
Bloomington Free Ryder | Bloomington | Monroe | Indiana | United States | eng | AN58.U55 r.308 no.2, r.337 no.5, r.368 no.7 | ||
Spectator. (Dept. of Neo-Journalism at the Free University of Indiana) | Bloomington | Monroe | Indiana | United States | eng |
AN58.U55 r.4 no.12 r.277 no.7 r.14 no.5 r.25 no.1 r.48 no.2 |