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American Revolutionary War Era (1775-1783)

Displaying all 7 newspapers
Title  City County State Country Language Call Number
Maryland Gazette Annapolis Anne Arundel Maryland United States eng AN23.A4 M3  
Maryland Journal, And The Baltimore Advertiser Baltimore Baltimore (city) Maryland United States eng AN23.B2 M3  
Massachusetts Gazette And The Boston Weekly News-Letter Boston Suffolk Massachusetts United States eng AN24.B7 M42  
Massachusetts Gazette; And The Boston Post-Boy Advertiser. [5 FORMER TITLES] Boston Suffolk Massachusetts United States eng AN24.B7 M4  
Massachusetts Spy Boston Suffolk Massachusetts United States eng AN24.W9 M3  
Massachusetts Spy; Or, American Oracle of Liberty Worcester Worcester Massachusetts United States eng AN24.W9 M3  
Morning Chronicle and London Advertiser London England AN66.B67 r. 222-223, 503-514, 712-730  