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Labor relations/unions

Displaying all 7 newspapers
Title  City County State Country Language Call Number
NADA: the Southern Rhodesia Native Affairs Dept. Annual. Salisbury Southern Rhodesia DT 962 .A25  
New Solidarity. (Industrial Workers of the World. Chicago Illinois United States HD 8055 .I 4 A37  
New Unity Springfield Hampden Massachusetts United States eng AN58.U55 r.109 no.4
r.137 no.4
r.187 no.3
r.334 no.3
r.363 no.4
New Working World Atlanta Fulton Georgia United States eng AC1.M62 r.45  
New York Call. ("A newpaper for the workers.") New York New York New York United States eng AN35.N5 A37  
New York Evening Call. ("A newspaper for the workers.") New York New York New York United States eng AN35.N5 A37  
New York Leader. (Labor Press Association) ("The Labor Daily...Towards a Free Press") New York New York New York United States eng AN35.N5 A37  