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17th Century Newspapers (1601-1700)

Displaying all 6 newspapers
Title  City County State Country Language Call Number
Intelligence Domestick And Foreign, With The Flying Post-Boy From The Camp In Flanders. ("Being an historical account of the publick transactions in Europe." London England AN66.B67 r.1203  
Intelligence Domestick and Foreign London England AN66.B67 r.1203  
Impartial Scout London England AN66.B67 r.1203  
Impartial Protestant Mercury, Or, Occurrences Foreign And Domestick London England AN66.B67 r.1173  
Impartial Protestant Mercury London England AN66.B67 r. 1173  
Impartial London Intelligence, Or, Occurences Forraign And Domestick London England AN66.B67 r.1203  