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17th Century Newspapers (1601-1700)

Displaying all 14 newspapers
Title  City County State Country Language Call Number
Monethly [sic] account London England AN66.B67 r. 1200  
Moderate Intelligencer London England AN66.B67 r.1205  
Moderate Intelligencer London England AN66.B67 r. 1157-1158  
Military Scribe London England AN66.B67 r.1205  
Mercury, Or, Advertisements Concerning Trade London England AN66.B67 r. 1205  
Mercurius Britanicus London England AN66.B67 r. 1112  
Mercurius Bellicus: The ... Intelligence From Reading. London England AN66.B67 r.1204  
Mercurius bellicus, or, An alarum to all rebels London England AN66.B67 r. 1204  
Mercurius Aulicus. ( "A diurnal communicating the intelligence and affaires of the court to the rest of the kingdome.") Oxford Oxfordshire South East England England AN66.B67 r. 1111, 1204  
Mercurius Aulicus London England AN66.B67 r.1204  
Mercurius Anti-Mercurius London England AN66.B67 r.1204  
Mercurius Anglicus, Or, The Weekly Occurrences Faithfully Transmitted London England AN66.B67 r.1193  
Memoirs of the present state of Europe, or, The monthly account of occurrences ecclesiastical, civil and military London England AN66.B67 r. 1204  
Man in the moon, discovering a world of knavery under the sunne London England AN66.B67 r. 1191  